Wednesday, 20 March 2013

Day 15 - Boston to New York: back to the craziness

So we left Boston on another freezing cold day and it was still snowing... this was taken from our hotel window...

We got our hotel bill under our door the morning we checked and couldn't get over the taxes! There was a Massachusetts State Tax, Boston City Tax and a Convention Centre Finance Tax. I know other cities charge a tax, but not three!

Anyway, the train station is a two minute taxi ride from our hotel, so what do we choose to do on a snowy day? Walk. However, from the Sheraton over the road from our hotel to the train station, it's all under cover due to joined shopping malls! So we were undercover for the most part.

Our luggage has now doubled! We started with two suitcases and now have four... we haven't even bought that much yet! (Maybe I'm in denial!)

It was sad to say goodbye to Boston - we both loved it so much! It had such a fabulous feel to it and we loved the areas we visited. Coming back into New York on the train was great - we had an awesome panoramic view of the city and it reminded me just how unique this city is and how different it is to anywhere either of us have been before. It almost felt like coming home arriving back in NYC - ok, maybe not quite home! But it certainly felt familiar.
We are staying in the mid town area, close to Times Square but still a little away thank goodness. It's a completely different experience to staying on the Upper West Side as we did last week (good position for shopping though!)
We got to the hotel - nice size room and if you put your cheek to the glass you can see Times Square to the right of us! We drop our washing off (still loving the $1 per pound of washing) and hit the shops. For those interested (probably not many)... I sourced out a gorgeous quilting shop that sells amazing fabrics! Troy was a very patient husband waiting for me while I shopped.
I'd come across another little Italian place on Trip Advisor for dinner so we ended up there - we had to wait for a table so we had a drink at the bar. We came across a bit of a tipping dilemma at the restaurant (still getting used to who to tip and when). There was a dedicated lady behind the bar - I asked whether we pay at the bar or can it be added to our bill. She said whatever we prefer. We want it added to our bill - do we still tip her?? We did.
Then when we left, the hostess held our shopping bags in the cloakroom - do we tip her for holding shopping bags?? At least we know we haven't offended anyone! (Hopefully).
So dinner was lovely - the restaurant is ranked pretty high on Trip Advisor and it's a fairly reasonably priced place and I think it was quite obvious that they are wanting to continue to impress. Not only was the service excellent, but they brought out complimentary appetisers to start. It obviously works as we will be giving them a good review.

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